She is coming by car, music blaring.(她开车过来,音乐震天响。)
The museum is easily accessible by car.(开车可以方便地到达博物馆。)
Many people travel to work by car.(许多人乘车去工作单位。)
Travellers can go by car or train.(游客可以选择乘汽车或者火车。)
Now I can walk to work instead of going by car.(现在我可以步行去上班,而不必开车了。)
There is no direct flight serving these two destinations now, while it takes around 5 hours to get there by car.(现在没有直飞这两个目的地的航班,而开车到那里大约需要5个小时。)
We had one last trip to make, a day excursion from Damascus by car.(我们有从大马士革坐一天车的最后一次旅行。)
He protested that the journey was too far by car.(他坚持说路途太远,不宜开汽车去。)
This is the closest we can get to the beach by car.(开车去海滩到了这儿就再也不能往前走了。)
We'll get there quicker by car.(坐车去我们将快点到达那里。)
by car是什么意思 by car在线翻译 by car什么意思 by car的意思 by car的翻译 by car的解释 by car的发音 by car的同义词